Court Finds: Sacramental Ministry “Shall be recognized as a Bona Fide Church”

Ou Holy Sacrament is Blessed by Clergy
In July & August, 2019 hearings, CA Superior Court Judge David Cohn found that we, “Shall be recognized as a Bona Fide Church”:

“Under the church doctrine, which this Court does not question, the blessing administered transforms the substance from mere cannabis into religious Sacrament. So the analogy is of course; the Roman Catholic Church the doctrine of trans-substantiation, where bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ… we don’t analyze that scientifically. We don’t do chemical tests to see if that’s happening. This is the Religious Belief and we respect that. I think the same deference needs to be given to this Church. The Blessing transforms the substance from cannabis into Religious Sacrament. I think I have to accept that, and I do accept that.”

—Judge David Cohn, Court Transcripts, Jul – Aug, 2019

History Making Court Findings generated Nationwide growth. Begin with a belief in Blessed Cannabis, love for Charity, Community & Healing & Charter an NHC Branch.
We are a Nonprofit Religious Charity. Sacrament is compassionately provided. Private & Corporate donations add philanthropy to a tax profile & create a business deduction that heals & feels good.
Our Holy Sacrament is Blessed by Clergy

Published by Brent David Fraser, FSA Scotland

The tales of my lifetime; "Tragedies & Triumphs; True Stories Untold" are chiefly born of my backdrop of Scottish family history, contrasting, congruent, compounded lifestyles as written and aimed to read as autobiographical, colorful, complexities, some shocking, but all true tellings of my "smashing" 35 year Hollywood career, triumphs, self-sabotage, serendipities and recovery as an Actor/Singer/Writer. Raised by a ‘free love’ free sex’ liberated young mom & girls, sister & girls, aunts, grandmas, and creative ‘men’ of multi dimension, loving in dad’s absence. I sought to entertain and inspire, keep the love near. Music and Dance, Poetry and Song, our spirit of performance for me was a venue for exhibition and revelation of efforts to hold control of the effects of childhood sexual trauma, masked by a pretty made up face, cross dressed by/with sis and girlfriends, the bold role of boy/girl debut each day, playing all sides of me, beings in me, faces of me , shifting freely through shades, colors, desires on life’s stage. Diagnosed a “hypersexual” child fixated in seeming constant arousal, bent on naked displays, flirty stunts to allure, modified in time with teaching, so on to independence, academia and scholarship in my educational path, and my return to Seattle’s professional scene, acting as my art and craft came with ease and brought me to heights unseen, at The Group Theatre’s Tamer of Horses &'Tracers, first films, The Chocolate War & Class of 1999, admirers pulled me off to decades in Hollywood film. Shared screens with Malcolm McDowell, Stacy Keach, Tom Skerritt, Seymour Cassel, Dwight Yoakam & Zalman King’s Wild Orchid 2 & Red Shoe Diaries, Lynch's Wild at Heart, Book of Love, Broken Vessels, songs, scoring & writing in film/TV. I live wide open, inside, outside, shadow & light, therapeutically, my artistry sprung from a multibeing, polygender heart/mind, talent, spirit.

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